Hub-a, Samokov / Хъб-а, Самоков

Hub-a, Samokov / Хъб-а, Самоков


➠Hub-a is an open space for young people, freelancers, language and art workshops, a place for cultural and educational events: trainings, forums, exhibitions, concerts.
➠The idea of Hub-a is to be an alternative place in Samokov, where ideas can be presented and like-minded people work together and find partners.
➠Hub-a is a place where you can have a drink, choose a book from our library or take your laptop and work in a cozy atmosphere.
〉 This is not a bar, but you can have a drink.
〉 This is not a library, but you can get a book.
〉 This is not a club, but you can hear a lot of great bands and artists performing live.
〉 This is not an office, although it has everything you need to call it one.

Can attend: Children, Young people, Adults

Cost: Depending on the activities – free exhibitions and concerts, and some paid events (with entrance fee)