
  • To provide more incentives and tools for communication between culture workers and in youth groups through an online platform for creating, publishing and proposing content, tools and methodologies, open and available to all interested people
  • To create a repository of shared skills and practices for the development of entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of culture and the arts using digital technologies


  • Most contributions to the site are made by young persons, youth workers, culture and art worker who are active in their fields in a way that promoted meaningful youth participation. Most of persons are active in Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, Italy and Spain due to the partnership of the project, but your contributions are welcome whatever your geographical area of work is, and for this reason we make use of automatic translation tools to further support the involvement of person from other areas. Contributors can submit, propose or comment existing or content in development as well as actively participate in our collective communication and networking tools.
  • The opinions expressed in the Voice area of this site are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or policies of YOUreSTART! or any of its funding partners.  

General Content Guidelines

  • Content must address current issues in fields of YOUTH WORK, ART AND CULTURE, YOUTH PARTICIPATION, INCLUSION – ANTI-RACISM – ANTI-DISCRIMINDATION, as well as practices that can support those fields materialise and/or continue existing either through digital means or ethical/non-profit entrepreneurial activities.
  • Each article/resource/tool/initiative/video should have a specific message and hook that will inspire audiences to read on.
  • Personal experiences and use of the first person is allowed, however, these experiences must be related back to a broader issue in one of the aforementioned themes.
  • Issues addressed should be grounded in facts and researched as well as related to personal experience.
  • Articles should be presented in an original manner and should be timely and relevant.
  • Descriptive articles of a singular artist / cultural event should be complemented by a broader perspective as well as facts and figures where possible.
  • Links to youth work tools (methodologies / case studies / good practices) related to the content of the submitted articles are highly encouraged.


  • Use of the first person is allowed / encouraged.
  • Content will generally be based on personal experience therefore any manner of tone is allowed (academic / light hearted / challenging / practical).
  • Acronyms are allowed and they must be explained upon first appearance.


  • Once any user adds, submits or proposes content, the editorial team will review it up to 12h from the action and if any kind of hate speech is detected, it will be deleted.
  • Admin is not a responsible for irrelevant article or resources uploaded by users.  Users have the power to assess, suggest and require action on content they deem irrelevant and based on this it can be either transferred on the back of the repository or deleted completely.

Target Audience

It is envisaged that 40 youth workers with experience in artistic, cultural and creative activities will be actively involved in the project, either through the project partners/organisations, whether they are part of the project (permanent employees or volunteers) or through third parties active at local level and interested in participating.

Guidelines For Contributors

  • All contributors can either use the discord server or the chatbot to submit their contributions. To keep access to all your contributions, you can register on the discord server.
  • Those registered in the discord server can add their biography with a name, a position, a picture, an affiliation and an email address, as well as a brief sentence description outlining who they are, what they work in and a few personal quirks.
  • Contributors can upload and create articles, resources, events and discussion topics.  
  • Links to other sites are encouraged and will be displayed as a hyperlink and / or as a list at the bottom of the article.