Casa Miraglia

Casa Miraglia


Casa Miraglia is a start-up born ti rework of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of a place/city through the use of digital technologies to create new storytelling.
CM comes into contact with the cultural realities of the territory (museums, galleries, urban sites to be revalued) through the sale or concession of multimedia cultural products. These are immersive or interactive exhibitions that enable the user to activate an edutainment process.

Casa Miraglia combines different disciplines that alone would remain within their boundaries: humanistic research, territorial knowledge, new technologies applied to art and dramaturgy. By means of an iterative design methodology, these disciplines make it possible to elaborate and transform the material and immaterial cultural heritage of a city or a place. The aim is to bring together distant disciplines to interpret cultural heritage and, through the new digital heritage applied to culture, to create new experiences of artistic fruition that are engaging, human centred and dynamic. Something that tells and amazes the user, who becomes the fulcrum of the experiences we intend to create. CM deals with reinterpreting technology to put it at the service of Cultural Heritage. CM deals with art and its dissemination. CM started by analysing what existed: cultural fruition was passive, the spectator was a mere observer and Naples lacked experiences that could compete with the rest of Europe.
The first aim of the CM start-up is to renew the practice of research in the humanities through the encounter with modern digital technologies: this makes it possible to disseminate knowledge of historical and artistic studies to a much broader and transversal audience, through the virtuosity of multimedia installations enriched with a content of high historical and cultural importance. Images, words and sounds become fascinating and evocative storytelling, creating opportunities for edutainment and sharing.

Who can attend: Users of artistic experience from different ages and backgrounds, artists to be involved, museums and art/cultural institutions, local associations and networks

Cost: On commission





3386078510 – Marina Cioppa
3486444088 – Giulia Bardari
3397334499 – Benedetta Moricola
3388123410 – Matteo Martignoni