Making your zine

Making your zine


The following article showcases one of the cheapest and quickest ways to make your zine: 

The basic materials are a cutting knife, a ruler and a sheet of paper (preferably A3).

Depending on your preferences, other material may include (but not limited to): glue, scissors, old magazines, rubber stamps, markers, washi tape, stickers, photos etc.

Description of activity

There are no rules when one is making a zine. It is all about freedom of expression -both in terms of content and of the mode of delivery. Zines are a way to make art, to give voice to underrepresented groups and to engage with the community. They are as much of personal publications as political ones.


For this activity the participants can -firstly-gather their supplies and content. Then, they would have to decide how they want their zine to look like. Afterwards, we move on to the actual creation of the zine. The final steps are to make copies of that zine (usually using a copy machine) and then distribute it (giving it away, to friends, family, trading it with other zines etc.).

The activity can be enhanced with discussions both before and after the main part about the history, the importance, and the impact of zines.