Video challenges
- Indoor activities
This activity can be made inside or outside, it can be a larger group or group of 2-3 people.
All you need is a phone or camera, a computer to edit your video if you need and maybe different materials during challenges.
Also you would need to have a social media channel to share your videos.
Description of activity
This activity was created as a small meeting of two people who come from different cultural backgrounds. One is Serbian and she is Slovenian, they set themselves the task of breaking the stereotypes that exist between these two peoples since they live in the same city and in the same country. Their practices could be transferred to all others who work with young people. Young people today are growing up with a distinct level of digital skills, and we can suggest that they create small video challenges in order to break stereotypes or talk about their problems. Challenges can be based on trying to make traditional food, trying to speak different languages, sports activities or working on raising awareness of the problems and needs of young people.