ART (τεχνη)
Η τέχνη είναι ένας τρόπος δημιουργικής έκφρασης των σκέψεων, συναισθημάτων, ιδεών και το όραμα ενός καλλιτέχνη. Η τέχνη είναι επίσης τρόπος ζωής, είναι κάτι προσωπικό, είναι ο τρόπος που μοιραζόμαστε με όλους, μέσα απ’ τα μάτια μας, τον τρόπο που βιώνουμε την πραγματικότητα, τον κόσμο, μια προέκταση του εαυτού μας.
en: Art is a way of creative expression of an artist’s thoughts, feelings, ideas and vision. Art is also a way of life, it is something personal, it is the way we share with everyone, through our eyes, the way we experience reality, the world, an extension of ourselves.
not indicated
- Art has the selfless character of a child. (Immanuel Kant)
- Art is to be absolutely yourself. (Paul Valéry)
- To find a form to arrange the chaotic mess. That is the purpose of the artist now. (Samuel Beckett)
- Life, death and art in between. (Nikos Engonopoulos)
- The intellectual says something simple in a difficult way. The artist says something difficult in a simple way. (Charles Bukowski)
- Creative Method of Rhythmic and Theatrical Game {in greek}
- Ways of Defining Art {in greek}