The YOUreSTART! partner DRPD from Slovenia, implemented their Focus ON activity in March 2023. Below you can find the key themes discussed
Focus ON theme: “Arts, culture, digital, inclusion, sense of entrepreneurship and their possible intersection before and after the pandemic“
What we have found out from the meeting was:
- during pandemics it was useful to combine art/culture with digital tools for better inclusion
- during pandemics teachers/youth workers had to create motivating ways to help students to participate and finish school tasks actively
- teachers/youth workers met many challenges: time to learn and adopt new technologies, active usage of social media and availability, students not having the Internet access and equipment
- digital content was not available to everyone
- working with the entire family
- cross-sector collaboration
- presently, teachers/youth workers still use digital tools because students need interactive, educational material
- parents needed support almost as students
- many positive feedbacks were received for organizing online event because they were available to all
- combining art/culture and digital tools helped teaching cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue
- digital tools provide many opportunities for inclusion
- using digital tools helped address many topics in interactive and inclusive ways
We would like to thank all of the participants of the Focus ON activity for their contribution.
Check out the FB post: