Street University – A hypothetical case study

During the local activities of the YOUreSTART! project in Patras, the groups of youngsters, youth workers and artists came up with a hypothetical structure, named “Street University” aiming at a region-wide initiative to bring together youngsters from marginalised backgrounds. In this post, we are briefly mentioning the basic activities aimed at the needs of the different target groups mentioned during the activities and are presented in the form of a case study.

How could the Street University initiative structure its activities to meet the needs of different groups of marginalized youth

For youth from low-income households

  • free workshops in street art and graffiti, providing them with a creative outlet and a means of self-expression – these workshops could be led by local artists who have experience working in urban spaces and who can provide guidance on technique and design
  • music production workshops and classes in music mixing, teaching young people how to create their own beats and mix tracks – by providing these workshops it could help young people develop their creative skills and provide them with a way to express themselves through art

For youth from migrant and refugee communities

  • workshops that focus on cultural exchange and dialogue, for example by organising language exchange programs, where young people from different backgrounds can practice speaking and learning each other’s languages
  • traditional music and dance workshops, providing a space for young people to celebrate and share their cultural heritage and help foster cross-cultural understanding and build bridges between different communities

For young people with disabilities

  • theater and drama workshops that focus on physical movement and non-verbal communication, led by experienced actors and directors who have expertise in working with young people with disabilities
  • music therapy workshops, providing young people with a safe and supportive environment to explore their musical talents and express themselves through song-writing, singing and composing

For young people who are LGBTQIA+

  • offer workshops and events that focus on issues of identity and self-expression. For example, the project could organize poetry slams and open mic nights, providing a platform for young people to share their stories and experiences
  • writing and creative expression workshops, providing young people with a means of exploring their identities and expressing themselves through the written word

For young people who have experienced trauma or are dealing with mental health issues

  • art therapy workshops that provide a safe and supportive environment for healing and recovery, led by trained art therapists who have experience working with young people who have experienced trauma
  • mindfulness and meditation classes, providing young people with tools to manage stress and anxiety

Overall, by adapting its activities to meet the needs of different groups of marginalized youth, the Street University could provide a safe and supportive environment for young people to develop their creative skills, explore their identities, and connect with their peers. By fostering a sense of community and belonging, the Street University could help to promote social cohesion and empower young people to become active and engaged members of their communities.

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